Kevin Buhmann
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Kevin Buhmann

Senior User Interface Engineer, VMware (Clarity Design System)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Southeast Missouri State University

Software engineer and natural problem solver committed to improving lives using technology.



  • Angular
  • React
  • TypeScript/JavaScript
  • RxJS


  • C#
  • .NET Core/Framework
  • Entity Framework
  • SQL Server
  • ElasticSearch
  • Node.js


  • GitHub API
  • GitHub Actions
  • Stripe
  • Slack
  • Mailgun
  • Azure

Work Experience


Senior User Interface Engineer, Clarity Design System May 2022 – Current
  • Product: Clarity (enterprise design system and component library)
  • Develop library components to solve product and user needs including bug fixes, features, and new components (Angular/TypeScript, HTML5, SCSS)
  • Implement accessibility improvements in library components and the documentation website increasing access for all users (Angular/TypeScript, HTML5, ARIA, WCAG)
  • Review product designs for consistency with the design system catching issues before designs are handed to development and improving feedback loops
  • Provide design and development support via chat, regular office hours, and hands-on sessions
  • Implemented visual regression tests for all library components in all supported themes preventing accidental regressions and increasing developer confidence (Angular/TypeScript, Storybook, Playwright, GitHub Actions)
  • Integrated component code examples on documentation website with StackBlitz allowing developers to quickly bootstrap prototypes and issue reproductions (Angular/TypeScript, StackBlitz)
  • Led a team of engineers to refresh/redesign of the documentation website resulting in improved information architecture/taxonomy and increased developer efficiency (Angular/TypeScript, SCSS)

Sequel Finance

Contract Software Engineer April 2022 – August 2023
  • Implemented subscription billing (React/TypeScript, Ruby on Rails, Stripe)
  • Implemented an authentication and encryption library using Argon2id, AES-GCM, and OPAQUE (Rust, Web Assembly, React/TypeScript, Node.js)

Vintage Software

Senior Software Engineer January 2017 – May 2022
Software Engineer June 2015 – December 2016
  • Product: EstateSales.NET (3.5+ million users and 100+ million page views per month)
  • Modernized large portions of the codebase using Angular, message-driven microservices, domain-driven design, classical unit testing, and SOLID principles (Angular/TypeScript, .NET/C#, Entity Framework, Azure Service Bus)
  • Increased development velocity by streamlining the build process, implementing custom code analysis rules, adopting code formatters, and automating frequent tasks
  • Automated the QA build and deployment process using a custom Slack integration and GitHub Actions to remove friction and reduce testing turn-around time (Node.js/TypeScript, .NET/C#, PowerShell, GitHub Actions, Slack)
  • Transformed the company's software development lifecycle by implementing the Git workflow, semantic commits, pull requests, code reviews, and adopting a monorepo
  • Built an online marketplace including auctions, buy now, order management, bid management, shipping, sales reporting, tax reporting, search, and saved search notifications (Angular/TypeScript, SCSS, .NET/C#, SQL Server, Elasticsearch, Stripe Connect, Shippo, TaxJar)
  • Built a refreshed experience for finding and viewing sales in a particular location resulting in increased user engagement and page views (Angular/TypeScript, SCSS, OpenLayers map, .NET/C#, Elasticsearch)
  • Built an advanced site search to help users navigate the site and find the content they are interested in (Angular/TypeScript, SCSS, .NET/C#, Elasticsearch)
  • Built a cookie-based mechanism to roll out new features to a growing subset of users over time with the ability to roll back and the option for users to explicitly opt in or out allowing the company to confidently release and measure new features (Angular/TypeScript, .NET/C#)
  • Built a custom content management system for site content including the ability to view and restore history resulting in streamlined content updates and collaboration (Angular/TypeScript, .NET/C#, SQL Server)
  • Integrated reCAPTCHA v3 on several website forms resulting in less spam and increased employee and customer satisfaction (Angular/TypeScript, .NET/C#)
  • Integrated server-side rendering and staggered time-based caching for public pages (Angular/TypeScript, Node.js, .NET/C#)
  • Integrated NSwag and custom tooling to generate TypeScript interfaces and API services for backend .NET/C# APIs resulting in automatic and verifiable alignment between server and client code (TypeScript, .NET/C#, Swagger, OpenAPI)
  • Migrated code from legacy .NET Framework and Web Forms to modern .NET Core and Angular (Angular/TypeScript, .NET/C#)
  • Migrated code from legacy .NET Framework and Web Forms to modern .NET Core and Angular (Angular/TypeScript, .NET/C#)
  • Migrated recurring billing from Sage to Stripe in two products increasing security by removing the need to manage encryption and storage of full credit card numbers with zero billing issues after launch (Angular/TypeScript, .NET/C#, SQL Server)
  • Migrated email delivery from local SMTP to Mailgun and logged events resulting in more efficient use of server resources, improved tracking/analysis of email delivery, and the ability to track/analyze email open rates (.NET/C#, Mailgun, Azure Event Hub)
  • Rewrote emails from from hard-to-maintain C# string interpolation to Angular resulting in unblocked feature development (Angular/TypeScript, SCSS, Node.js)
  • Implemented visual regression tests for emails resulting in increased developer confidence and streamlined stakeholder review (Angular/TypeScript, Node.js, Puppeteer, GitHub Actions)
  • Implemented a microservice responsible for sending emails, text messages, and support tickets resulting in improved server infrastructure load management (.NET/C#, Azure Service Bus, Azure CosmosDb, Mailgun, Twilio, Zendesk)
  • Implemented a microservice responsible for processing payments and migrated existing data (.NET/C#, SQL Server, Azure Service Bus, Stripe)


Web Developer June 2014 – May 2015
  • Fixed bugs in client-facing applications (.NET/C#, JavaScript)
  • Built internal reporting tools empowering business analysts with seamless access to critical data for informed decision-making and analysis (.NET/C#, SQL Server)
  • Built a dashboard that displayed real-time Google Analytics and server status data in easy-to-view charts for engineers, company executives, and others (.NET/C#, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript,

Southeast Missouri State University

Web Developer, Information Technology February 2014 – May 2014
  • Built a custom content management system to organize a tagged catalog of services resulting in improved user awareness of the services offered by the department (.NET/C#, SQL Server)
  • Reorganized over 200 existing content pages for easier navigation, condensed presentation, and search leading to improved user experience and engagement
Web Developer, Southeast Online November 2013 – February 2014
  • Built a customized customer relationship system tailored to meet the unique needs of academic advisors to track communication with students and maintain accurate advising records leading to an optimized advisory process (.NET/C#, SQL Server, jQuery/JavaScript)
  • Maintained the Southeast Online website (HTML5, CSS3, jQuery/JavaScript)
Web Developer, Office of Instructional Technology September 2011 – November 2013
  • Built a test conversion tool to help faculty migrate from the university's custom LMS software to Moodle leading to faster adoption of the new platform (.NET/C#)
  • Built a reporting tool used by faculty to report grades from Moodle to university registrar resulting in timely updates for both students and the registrar at the end of academic sessions (.NET/C#)
  • Built a web application used by university executives to collaborate and prepare the university's accreditation portfolio (.NET/C#, SQL Server, jQuery/JavaScript)
  • Built custom content management systems for tutorial content and event calendars (VB/ASP, .NET/C#, SQL Server, jQuery/JavaScript)
  • Maintained the Office of Instructional Technology website (HTML5, CSS3, jQuery/JavaScript)


Southeast Missouri State University

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, cum laude May 2015


Angular Meetup Presenter

Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America

  • Achieved the rank of Eagle Scout by leading a service project and completing other requirements before turning 18